vagabond photographer

Jonathan Jasberg is a multi-international award winning street and documentary photographer.  Since 2010 he has been living a nomadic lifestyle outside of his home country of the U.S.A.  He now travels internationally full-time working as an independent photographer, seeking out destinations that interest him from both a cultural and photographic perspective.  Jonathan has photographed in over 60 countries and 150+ cities, involved in both independant projects and on assignment.  He also teaches intensive photography workshops globally to students from around the world.

Jasberg's work has been published in leading magazines and exhibited worldwide in both group and solo exhibitions.  He is the recipient of over 40 international photography awards, including:  

He has been a guest speaker at B&H Photo, Leica Store, and  Trieste Photo Days,  as well as an educator through his group and private bespoke street photography workshops.  In addition to exclusively shooting with Leica cameras, Jonathan is a member of the Xiaomi Global Creators Team, as an ambassador of their phones co-engineered with Leica camera.  He has served as a judge in the 2023 exibartstreet contest and 2024 Istanbul Street Photo Festival

For inquiries on upcoming workshops, publication requests,  collaborations, or to contract for assignment worldwide, email:





  • Geo Magazine
  • National Geographic Traveler
  • Forbes
  • New York Magazine
  • The Guardian
  • Dodho Magazine
  • Leica Fotographie International Magazine
  • Bump Books
  • Independent Photographer
  • Open Eye Magazine
  • All About Photo Magazine
  • Die Presse 
  • Cities Magazine
  • Capture Magazine
  • Eyeshot Magazine
  • DeMorgen

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