vagabond photographer

Oct 29th - Nov 3rd 2024

Rapidly advance your level and knowledge of street and documentary photography during a fun, challenging and unforgettable workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal during the incredible 5 day festival of Tihar.

Oct 29th -  Nov 3rd 2024

- Kathmandu / Bhaktapur / Patan
- 5 Participants Max
- 5 full days of shooting
- $1050

Email  Jonathan to apply or ask any questions 

Workshop Overview

On the first day (Oct. 29th) everyone will meet for a group dinner to get to know each other and talk about general concepts of street & documentary photography.  This will be followed by 5 full days of shooting in and around Kathmandu, Nepal. This includes one full-day trip to the ancient capital city of Bhaktapur, Nepal, as well as other trips to nearby historic areas bustling with life on the street.  The days will be a blend of shooting individually and in small groups and designed to be both challenging, motivating and intensive.  Jonathan has made many trips to Kathmandu and is looking forward to sharing the areas he loves to shoot most.

Sample Day

8am meet for breakfast and daily briefing
9am - 12pm photograph in and around a specific area in groups of two or individually
12:30pm - 1:30pm group lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm coffee break with instructional photography presentation or group discussions
2:30pm-5:30pm photograph / photo walk in and around a different area in groups of two or individually
5:30-6:30pm break for casual dinner either as a group or individually
6:30-9pm nightly edit & review session where Jonathan will work with each photographer individually to identify the strongest photographs of the day, suggest minor edits such as crops, tilt correction, etc., as well as identify areas to focus and improve on in the coming days.

Topics covered in daily reviews and group discussions: Advanced and beginning layering technics, creative foreground and background framing, cropping, sequencing to create a compelling series, effective use of natural light, capturing compelling candid moments, etc.

Workshop Perks

-Individual Portfolio or Project Review
This is an extremely thorough review that Jonathan spends hours preparing for for each student.
-Daily Photo Reviews
Working directly with Jonathan to learn how to identify your strongest photos and as well as how to dramatically improve shots you've taken using very minor corrections 
-Customized Lessons
Prior to the workshop, Jonathan will ask for input from each participant on topics of interest and areas they wish to improve upon.   This information is used to develop custom material for group discussions.
-1 on 1 shooting time on the streets with Jonathan Jasberg
Each day Jonathan will pair up with a participant during the 3 hour morning session session and a different photographer for the afternoon session, working with them individually to improve all aspects of their photography.  Jonathan also works closely with each photographer during editing and review sessions.
-Friendly non-competitive group environment where everyone learns from each other
Group dynamic is very important.  This workshop is intense, but it is a great time and a great chance to make quality friendships and connections with fellow photographers. 


Digital Camera 
preferably with a wide angle lens 28mm, 35mm, etc. Zoom lenses are fine, but a single small lens is preferable. You should have enough batteries and memory cards to be able to produce and store 1,000 photographs or more in a single day. These will be full days of shooting with no time to recharge batteries. Please know your camera and how to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. Unless you are using a Leica, Jonathan will most likely not know how to use your camera to help make adjustments.

with photo editing software (Lightroom preferred) and enough internal / external storage space to hold your photographs. Cropping and basic exposure adjustments are all that will be needed, as well as the ability to rate your photos.

Walking Shoes  
Walking 10,000-20,000 steps each day during these workshops is very common, so please be prepared both physically and mentally, with a positive adventurous attitude  along with a good set of shoes.  


Workshop tuition: $1050*
Transportation, lodging, food, and any other costs are not included and are the responsibility of each participant.  The group will generally eat together if possible, and split the bills for all food and transportation.  Food and transportation costs are generally very low.

A $100 deposit is due to confirm participation in the workshop and hold your spot. 
The remaining tuition is due before Oct 29, 2024.

*All workshop participants will receive $100 discount on any future workshops they attend with me.  If you have attended one of my workshops, the price is $950.

Arrival and Lodging

Please arrive in Kathmandu on or before the evening of October 29th.  Jonathan will already be in Kathmandu waiting to welcome all participants.  You will be provided a detailed guide for arriving in Nepal, with information on buying a sim card, detailed transportation options into Kathmandu including estimated costs, and how to best get to our accommodations so that you will have a comfortable and smooth welcome into the city.  Everyone will all stay in the same hotel so that the group can spend as much time together, get to know each other, and learn from each other.  The hotel is very affordable, comfortable and in a very strategic location of Kathmandu.


Life happens. If you need to cancel, you will receive your workshop fee back via paypal, minus the $100 deposit and any paypal fees.  If Jonathan Jasberg (the instructor) needs to cancel, you will be refunded your full tuition including deposit.  Jonathan is not responsible for any reimbursement of travel expenses or any other costs incurred by participants under any circumstances.  Travel insurance that covers cancellations, missed flights, etc., is recommended if you are not a seasoned traveler.


Is Nepal Expensive?
Nepal is relatively inexpensive, with prices slightly higher than India, but still very affordable for both food and lodging.  Certain areas that the group will enter have admission fees ranging from $5-$15 for the day.

Can I shoot film?  
Processing film in Nepal is difficult and time consuming.  If you would like to shoot film for your own personal projects, that is fine, but please shoot digital for the majority of the workshop.

Can you help me improve xyz?   
Prior to the start of the workshop, Jonathan will ask all participants if there is anything specific they would like to focus on (e.g. layering, storytelling, use of light, overcoming shyness, etc.).   He will make sure to work together with each photographer and focus on their individual goals while out in the field, as well as providing additional material during the workshop.

My style is very different than yours, can I still attend?  
Absolutely. Everyone should have their own style and not worry about conforming to other styles. Jonathan's goal is to help you develop and refine your style to boost your photography to new levels. If you are interested in posed street portraits, still life street photography, or run and gun flash style of street shots, then that is what you should practice and Jonathan can assist. 

Have another question? 
Email Jonathan directly to discuss any questions or concerns related to this workshop.

Past Kathmandu Workshop

Behind the scenes & testimonials

Laurent Catach


"This workshop in Kathmandu was really great! Jonathan does a lot of preparation (including portfolio reviews), takes us to the best places, is always available for advice or for sharing his experience, and always gives us very useful feedback during the photo reviews every evening.  Certainly a wonderful experience! "

Laurent Catach

Vica Rosario Bogaerts


"This is the second time I participated in a street photography workshop led by Jonathan. Much like the experience I had during the previous workshop, the Kathmandu workshop was exceptionally well-organized and executed. The dedication and planning Jonathan invests in scouting locations that offer great potential for street photography was obvious and made this workshop a very positive experience."

 - Vica Rosario Bogaerts

Mehdi Zouari


"The workshop in Nepal was excellent. You have done an excellent job at preparing this workshop with sites within easy reach and great logistics. The portfolio sessions are very valuable, especially for returning attendees as it allows the photographer and instructor to see the progress made from past workshops. "

 - Mehdi Zouari

Klaus Enrique 


"Thank you very much for everything man. It really was an amazing workshop and i feel like i learned so much.  Definitely got my moneys worth by the end of the first day of meeting you!  You're a superstar."

Klaus Enrique

Photos From Nepal


I loved how well organized the workshop was. Your arrival guide included everything. Your workshop is really incredibly worthwhile. Thank you very much!

Florian Renz - Kyoto Apr 2023 


First of all thank you for the fantastic workshop. I enjoyed it immensely and I learned a lot as well.  

I believe you provided great attention, provided valuable input, and you were very personable. You cared about the students and it showed. We executed the plan daily and you kept us all in loop when things changed. You also let all of the attendees know places and situations as photo opportunities, while we are on the field. You cared about us, and made sure we got what we wanted from the workshop. 

Sehmuz Bayhan - Kyoto Apr 2023 


A workshop with Jonathan Jasberg is a great experience, as his teaching is always focused on improving your personal work, with precise analysis of the photos during the reviews as well as helping you in the field. 

He is always ready to help, to share his experience and to give advice, and takes very good care of the organisation so that everything goes smoothly, also because he knows the places very well. He also has an incredibly wide photographic culture and a very high level of requirement of what a « good photo » should be, which is hugely inspiring. Just great!

Laurent Catach - Oaxaca Feb 2023 


I attended the street photography workshop in Japan with the goal of improving my photography skills and creativity. Jonathan provided me with practical and insightful guidance during one-on-one sessions, group discussions, and detailed feedback on my photos.
Jonathan's teaching style was relaxed and approachable, which helped me feel more comfortable with the complexity of street photography and created an environment that allowed every participant to push their boundaries. Overall, the workshop was a highly enjoyable experience that gave me the opportunity to progress and gain a deeper appreciation for the art of street photography.

Vica Rosario Bogaerts - Kyoto Apr 2023 


Jonathan was very hands-on during the entire workshop! He pointed specific techniques out and explained why some things work and others don't. He was indefatigable! This was a very intensive but also a laid-back workshop. We had an opportunity to bond as a group of photographers and have a critique each night. During the day we split into pairs or threes and Jonathan would pick a group to work with.
Post-workshop, Jonathan provided us with personal critiques of the portfolio submitted in advance of the workshop as well as helped to create and curate a portfolio from the workshop. He has a place on his website for final portfolios to include our IG and personal websites. I felt really invigorated and motivated to continue the techniques learned in the workshop.

Nicole Horvath - Oaxaca Feb 2023

Jonathan's workshop in the Kyoto area is exactly what any aspiring street photographer should be looking for to improve their skills. My goals coming in were to focus on further developing my compositions using techniques such as layering, reflections, echoes, but also capturing emotions by gaining confidence in getting closer to the subject(s). 

Coming out of the 5 day intensive workshop, I feel that Jonathan has helped me significantly improve on those aspects of street photography and that the learnings from the workshop helped me a gain a much better understanding and confidence on how and when to best deploy those methods. 

The format and planning of the workshop are well thought in a way that maximizes the learning experience within the available time. There is a well balanced time allocations to overviews, discussions and critical reviews before, during, and after intense long days of street photo shooting. I very much enjoyed learning in a small collaborative group (3 students) of talented photographers. 

Besides being an amazing street photographer and teacher, Jonathan is also fond of Japanese culture and customs which he likes to share. He speaks Japanese fluently which brought us closer in our interactions with locals anywhere we went and made our experience more authentic. Overall this workshop is an excellent learning and development opportunity at a great price value in a unique environment. I would definitely recommend it to others without any hesitation.

Mehdi Zouari - Kyoto Apr 2023 


I had a good gut feeling, based on what I'd read about you and your work, and the B&H interview. My instincts were right! Glad I was able to contact you early and reserve a spot.
Your patience, honesty, directness, diplomacy, flexibility, and humor were appreciated! It was interesting to see you take such an interest in our work, spending more time on certain images than I would've thought! I like how you worked with each member individually over the 5 days at the different locations, helping with our specific goals and strengthening skills. You took care of our non-photography needs as well, when needed!

Parvathi Kumar - Oaxaca Feb 2023

The workshop fulfilled my expectations; the most valuable thing for me was to know closely your point of view about certain photos, and the minor (but unexpected and relevant) fixes that you did sometimes on them. 

Also it was interesting to "confront" my aesthetic style with yours, a little more inclined towards the weird element, which will give me food for thought for a while. In addition, and as I already sensed in the video on complex composition, your way of explaining is technical and precise (I can tell you were a programmer, hehe), far from the more vague postures that sometimes artists have. 

In general, I have noticed something very good and that is that you have infected me a little with your level of demand with the photos, which is very high and based on a very strong self-criticism.

Andrés Ramos - Kyoto Mar 2023 


It was a fantastic workshop in such a comfortable setting. Jonathan worked with all the participants as a group and individually, providing inspiration, answering questions and making himself completely available over the course of the workshop. I was able to put his suggestions into action that provided immediate results. The chosen locations and events, plus additional suggestions were all wonderful and created a complete, enjoyable experience.

Bill Schaefer - Oaxaca Feb 2023 


The workshop with Jonathan was fantastic. Jonathan is an excellent teacher, knowledgeable, dedicated, and very approachable. He generously shared his thoughts on all aspects of street photography, from history to philosophy to the very practical aspects. The workshop content was great too, we went to different places almost every day, had long shooting sessions, and in each session Jonathan worked tirelessly with us. The highlights for me were the markets around Oaxaca, and of course the San Martin carnival. I would love to join him again if i get a chance. 

Sandip Aine - Oaxaca Feb 2023 


The following helped make the workshop a successful event.
The pre-workshop 'tasks' and information gathering were relevant. Jonathan's feedback on our images at the initial group meeting helped set expectations. This was followed up with a personalised written portfolio review post-workshop. 

With just 3 participants, we were allocated regular (three hour) one-on-one sessions in the field which allowed for personalized tuition, practice and discussion. Feedback from daily image reviews informed ways to improve. His priority was on our shooting, not his. Personalized arrival guides for each participant, a daily booking in a meeting room for reviews and timely communication helped the workshop run smoothly.

Lou Gilbert - Kyoto Mar 2023 
